
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Alligators by Twitter on Flash Fiction Online

"Alligators by Twitter" is over on Flash Fiction Online as part of their April issue.

Alligators by Twitter is the story of a man whose house is attacked by burrowing alligators, tweeted from his Blackberry during the siege.

Flash Fiction Online is an extremely popular venue for flash fiction. They've been at it so long that... well, they managed to get that name before anyone else. That's a while. This is my first pro-rate sale and I'm enormously grateful to them.

You can leave Comments here or at FFO. Thank you for reading.

You can read John Wiswell's "Alligators by Twitter" by clicking this link.


  1. I live in Florida...
    *hears disco music, checks floor for holegator door*
    Funny stuff! Congrats.

  2. John! I don't even know what to say. This is hilarious and bizarre and fantastic. This is for sure one of the best short stories I've read a long long time.

    Congrats, Buddy!

    ps. If I loose all my money gambling on twitter, I'll just send you the bill since your alligators made me do it. A big thank you in advance! Your the best. :d

  3. Laughing.. too.. hard.. to.. type... Brilliant.

  4. I read this the other day on that post, and I love Love LOVED it!

    So clever, fun, and hard to forget :-)

  5. Hilarious, especially the bits about the sister. And now I know how to survive this kind of thing!

  6. That was a great way to frame a story--a twitterflash! Horrifying (alligators are scary!) and hilarious at the same time. Well done!
