
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Reflections Post for the A-to-Z Challenge

Well that wasn't as hard as I expected. Blogging every day for years strengthened the parts of the mind that do this kind of work, but I anticipated it to be more challenging to keep up, especially after I caught my lung infection. There's probably something to be said for writing about a world you've spent years making up and can keep making up minutes before going live.

No, I didn't fudge. Everything I posted pertained to fiction I've written, or that is on the docket.

There were definitely shortcomings. I look back at several days with many interesting comments that I simply didn't have the ability to answer, choosing instead to lie in a coughing heap on my bed. And I know there are many Fantasy-oriented blogs that participated in the challenge that I simply never found. Hopefully next year will have more specified sorting options when people sign up; the "Writing" tab only helped so much.

As the only downsides, though, the blog hop was great fun. I seldom write explicit world-building like my twenty-six posts, and found that kind of irreverent prose very fun to write. Sometimes it was a challenge to keep things short; especially after a week of reading thirty entries a day, I know I cherished people who could keep their posts to one screen-length. I wonder how many people felt I was slacking off, and how many were annoyed when my entries grew huge, like on W-day. Commenters were very polite, as expected. I've yet to run into a proper blog hop troll.

What I wanted most was to meet some passionate and interesting bloggers, and I got that. Dan Miller  and Jenelle Schmidt were total pleasures to talk to at all times, and the bloghop got me talking to Laura Eno again, which was long overdue. At one point I think Jean Yates offered to be my new mom. I even got lucky late in the game, crossing paths with people like Samantha Geary, who had the most narratively ambitious A-to-Z's. Her and Shell Flower - I just can't imagine writing and sharing a big on-going story like that. Maybe that means it's what I have to try next year.

The question now is how many people keep chatting after the event has ended. If all those relationships evaporate in May, then all was for naught. Any who've lasted with me this far know they can find me here, still plugging away daily, and on Twitter.


  1. You keep corresponding, they will keep corresponding.
    I saw blogs on the list I wanted to visit but never got there. It was all I could do to keep up with comments and monitor my section of the list.
    The Reflections List will go live very early tomorrow, so be sure to sign up your entry.

    1. Absolutely will! Only positioned it today because tomorrow's slot belongs to Friday Flash.

      And I respect your having only been able to hit so many blogs. You were a prolific visitor, beating me to almost every blog I even laid eyes on daily.

  2. Hey it was a pleasure to meet you and your blog during the challenge! I agree the great time to chat is now! So let's get started, I nominated you on my blog for the Liebster Blog Award
    I hope you feel better!

    1. It's been a pleasure crossing paths with you, too, Franny. Your exuberance has always been fun. And thank you for the nomination - I promise to get to it on an upcoming Sunday.

    2. Take your time! I wanted to tell with the award that I appreciate your blog and wise presence!

  3. I was also overhwlmed with the number of blog I didn't gt to, and the really amazing ones I didn't get to as much as I wanted. I will be speaking about this in more depth tomorrow for the hop.

    Given your failing health and the failing health of the grandmother I think you blew the meter with how many blogs you did visit and comment on- I know there were a whole bunch that I got to and found that you'd already been there days before. So, you know, credit where credit is due!

    1. I appreciate the credit, Bev! And the reminder that I may have actually done alright. I was surprised by how much fiction you were able to churn up in so little time, too.

  4. I wish I had visited more blogs. It was hard to comment back, but I followed through with that. You did an amazing job.

    1. Thank you, Medeia. Meeting you was another midway pleasure. You had so many books I'd never heard about.

  5. I think you're posts were too long. I enjoyed most of them, only skipping a few, but I'd blame my day job for that. 8 hour day on my feet 95% of the time left me tired. But I loved the world you introduced me too. I can't wait to read more of your posts.

    1. So you enjoyed most of the posts even though they were too long? I won't take any offense at it - it's a fair criticism.

  6. I agree, it was great reconnecting with you again! Which kind of answers your people still continue to drop by after? Some do, some don't, some (like us) get lost then found again. :) It's a really fun thing to do. This was my third year and with 1800 people in it, I'll never get to meet even a fraction of them. The chance of discovery is awesome.
    I loved your world and the passion you put into it. I'm glad you were able to stick with it, despite being sick.

    1. Well, I promise there's more to come. And it was also good to see Death and Chronos again.

  7. I didn't write my reflection, but I am enjoying everyone else's writings of it. I have to say, its been nice reading about these fictional cities and beings and I will be dropping in to check in. I now have you on my readers list. Its good to read other interests.

    1. I agree, and some of the most interesting blogs were educations in other interests.

  8. You've been blogging everyday for years? that's amazing! I just followed you on Twitter :) A-Z was hard for me, but awesome people like you kept me going!

    1. It can be challenging to keep going like this, but it's also mandatory exercise. It keeps the mind very limber. I sure hope it's made me a better writer!

  9. I am in awe at you, and at so many other A to Z challengers. Given not only your own health issues but those besetting your family no-one would have blamed you if you had withdrawn. I am so very glad that you didn't though.

  10. "Sorting options" is a good way of putting it. That's my ultimate goal--to have a flexible programmed list that can morph into many forms depending on what the user wants to do. Someday I hope. Thanks for your thought about the Challenge. I know many of us have connected in long lasting relationships since that very first Challenge. Stay out there and you'll keep running into familiar names. And keep commenting--that always helps.

    Thanks for being a part of this.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks for co-running such a wonderful blog hop! And I do imagine programming such sorting options would be a challenge. I hope I didn't sound ungrateful.

  11. Really sorry you were sick last month. That was an additional "challenge" you could've done without.

    Since I did a world building theme for A to Z, it was insightful to come over here to see what you were up to.

  12. I simply have to follow this blog. I am a fan of and this seems right up the same alley.

  13. Congrats on your completion. there are always shortcomings as one can't please everyone. Please continue to follow some of your new found friends.
    I took part in the first A to Z met Alex and we're still followers to this day.

  14. I certainly intend to keep up with the blogs and twitter friends I've made, and I hope others do to.

    I enjoyed reading your posts about your world, and was in awe that you managed to have something for every letter. I also love the fact that there was always something humourous in each post. Great job.

    Rinelle Grey

  15. Sadly, I didn't see anything about making posts short until all posts were written. I spent too much time getting them ready, researching etc to want to change them and perhaps that cost me visits/comments. How many keep visiting is a key point. I added folks to my blog log that visited more then once to continue to do just that. However, I'm already in need of deleting people in this short time frame. Several changed their blogs making comments next to impossible unless you join things; so they apparently wont' be doing much back and forth visiting.

    Nice review.

  16. Aww, thanks for the shout-out! Your blog has been a pleasure to peruse and I definitely intend to keep popping over here!

  17. Yes, indeed I did and the offer still stands.
    PS: I will always be your friend. You are a wonderful person. And a GREAT writer!
    jean yates xoxox!!!

  18. Congratulations for finishing the race. I'm worn out from it. :)

  19. Thanks for the nice words, you already know I'm a fan of your stories and I wish I could loosen up a bit in my own writing as well as my art. Hopefully those relationships won't become all for naught but it will take some effort. I will be checking in. I know where to find you.

  20. Your final paragraph up there reminds me of the end of The Breakfast Club! I do wonder if I will ever see some folks again. Congratulations!

  21. Great reflection post. I'm still determined to hit all the blogs at least once before next April. LOL!!
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  22. Some friendships will survive, some will get lost and found again next year and some will disappear for good.

    I love reading and during the challenge I met many great writers/bloggers - you are one of them :) Thank you for sharing your world.

  23. Congrats on your A-Z achievement! :)

    As for keeping up blogging relationships, well generally I find that if you continue to visit those you meet through blogging, you're going to continue to get visits from them as well. At least if you have enough in common with them for both of you to want to keep it going. But sometimes people really do drop off on the visits, and that might mean that you have to give up on visiting them back because you have enough else to do during your day as it is!

    Just some thoughts. ;)

  24. I definitely wished I visited each and every blog that entered the challenge. Maybe next year, I will be able to do just that.

  25. I don't think it's humanly possible to hit everyone on the list in just one month...I certainly didn't even try. My section of the list was enough ;-) However, it's a joy to read all the Reflections posts as I'm the road trip. Nice also to be able to thank people like you who visited and I had no time to visit back until now. So hi! And thanks for the comments. Sorry about the lung infection. I've had many of those and "coughing heap on the bed" is a familiar phrase. Take care.
    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

  26. Congratulations on struggling through, especially in a coughing heap! I've made long-term friends via the A-to-Z, and think the conversation often continues past April, though it slows down quite a bit. After months of being desperately behind, I'm catching up now.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse
