
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bathroom Monologue: I'm Weak

“That thing you’re saying isn’t a weakness? It’s a weakness. There is nothing abnormal or immoral about weakness. I have yet to meet a person who didn’t fail, possess shortcomings and vulnerabilities, and additionally was simply weak in an arena or three. Some of the most beautiful times in love and friendship are helping others with theirs. I have them. You have them. You can have a weakness for alcohol, or gambling, or low-cut tops. Some weaknesses can be corrected with habit or surgery or mere mindfulness. Others will always be with us, and they shouldn’t be paved over, or draped with willful ignorance. The people worth having in my life compensate for my weaknesses, or outright enjoy them.”


  1. Weakness? Individuality. Quirkiness. A weakness which is acknowledged is often a strength.

  2. That's quite uplifting and beautiful.

  3. Yes, I have a weakness for low-cut tops.

  4. What if you combine surgery with the low-cut top? Is it then a bountiful strength?

  5. Yes, those who really count forgive or embrace. And sometimes, our weaknesses even compliment one another.

  6. I loved this. We all have weaknesses and people who support us through them.
