
Friday, July 18, 2014

The ideas we discard are not wasted

I've had this short story idea for over a month and have been gathering good lines, ideas and character moments. Today I finally had the strength to begin writing it. Five scenes in I realized two thirds of my existing material won't make it into the story. It wasn't a waste - it was a cocoon from which the fiction is emerging.

In related news: I'm writing again. I've written more in the last two weeks than in the previous two months. God willing, this short will be out to a market by the end of the month, and by then we'll be off to the races.


  1. Nice to hear you're improving John - pleased for you.

  2. Glad you're writing again.
    A ton of what I researched and wrote down for my latest never made it into the manuscript. But that's all right.

  3. I'm so glad to hear that! Can't wait to read your new story!

  4. Glad you're writing again John. I hope you have a super duper Friday!

  5. Glad to hear you're writing again, brother. This post rings of flowing creative juices.

  6. Happy news! :-) I have a little suitcase full of jottings, half-begun stories, pictures, news clippings and scraps of dialogue. Every once in a while I rummage through it - for an idea or just for fun.

  7. I'm so glad to hear you're back to writing. I hope your health continues to improve.

  8. Hooray for being back to writing! Enjoy every second.
