
Monday, November 7, 2016

"Where I'm From, We Eat Our Parents" is live at Daily Science Fiction!

I'm tickled to be back at Daily Science Fiction this month with a new story: "Where I'm From, We Eat Our Parents."

The story follows Fiend, a tentacle monster with romantic intentions. *Actually* romantic intentions. He's found a great girlfriend and the biggest conflict in his life right now is meeting her parents.

I might be riffing off a genre you've heard of on the internet. But will you admit having heard of it? As with "The Terrible," DSF's editors have let me publish some of my inner weirdness. I owe thanks to my beta readers: T.S. Bazelli, Nadya Duke, and Leigh Wallace.

You can read the story by clicking here.


  1. It was great! I'm not sure if the dog survived, though. If he's full, then not? Also not clear on who's driving. If she's in a wheelchair, he's driving?
    But really good. Thanks!

    1. Using a wheelchair doesn't preclude driving. At all.

    2. I regret to inform that the dog will not be at tomorrow's supper.

  2. I loved it! As for the *certain* genre... Well... Yes, I've heard of it. And I'm not hiding that fact. :)

  3. Not a genre I knew. Pretty certain my parents would have been indigestible.
    And yes, agreeing with Alex.

    1. I'm glad you liked that line! Perfume always stings my nose, but I take it I'm in the minority?

  4. Finally got around to reading this -- such a cute story! Agree about "the sting of perfume" being a winning line (even if I do actually really enjoy perfumes). Also "He'd enjoy a silk tentacle, and thinks Clarissa would too."

  5. Oh my. But he ate the dog? Poor dog. What a perfectly awkward, difficult situation. LOL!
