
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bathroom Monologue: One Million Words

"They say you have to write a million words to get really good at writing. I don’t know who “they” are – I’ve tried to avoid learning it, because learning the “they” behind any such claim tends to deflate it. Now I’ve focused and picked my word. It’s the master word: “word.” All the other ones tumble out of it, you see. So I’ll write it a million times, but not all at once. My hand would cramp. Instead I write it a hundred times a day. That’s 3,000 words a month, and 36,500 a year. In a couple months I’ll pick up the pace, when a measly hundred words gets dull. The target is a thousand a day – that’s 365,000 a year, which means in just three years I’ll be passed a million and hanging with Gore Vidal or some shit. I’m on a good roll so far. Get distracted now and then, wanting to write another word. Maybe a shorter word. Sometimes I want to write full sentences or ideas. I have a separate notebook for that – the garbage stuff, not the million-word craft. After I’m famous I’ll revisit these vanity notebooks with their dialogues and stories and see if they were worth anything. I imagine, one million words along, they’ll all look like kiddy crap. Nothing you’d learn from."


  1. If you like I could write you a Word macro or something to produce that word 1,000,000 times for you. You could hit the target by teatime and then get on with writing your masterpieces!

  2. But then my computer would become a great writer instead of me, Simon. I don't want a literary Skynet situation.

  3. I love it! "the garbage stuff" "the vanity words". I say screw "they"!

  4. Perhaps the substitution of a more philisophical or scientific word and in a few years (or a couple) you will be the next Plato or Stephen Hawking.
