
Friday, August 27, 2010

RAQ Questions for 2010

It's that time of year when I have the excuse to ask,

"Have you seen my rack?"

It's actually "RAQ." I pronounce it that way because people make amusing faces.

Rarely Asked Questions is my birthday tradition at The Bathroom Monologues. Until Friday night, September 3rd, I'm requesting all readers leave questions they don't normally ask anyone. They can be questions about me, my writing, or anything entirely unrelated.

-What's the boiling point of Tungsten?

-What does my mother's snore remind you of?

-If he wants to avoid the conductor and skip the fare, what is the best time for a Mummy to hop the Baltimore light rail?

Your questions are entirely up to you. I'll compile them and answer at least one question per person on September 4th - my birthday. That's how I celebrate. With my big RAQ.

Please leave your mysteries and queries in the Comments section of this post.


  1. Who would win in a fight: Batman or Monkey?

  2. What's more important? Divine Providence or Manifest Destiny?

  3. Chicken or turkey? ...wait, I meant, We the people or politicians?

  4. I am very curious -- do you really write in your bathroom? and if so, where exactly? Peace...

  5. If you were in charge of an alien economy that had no knowledge of, understanding of, or expectations for Earth, what would the price be for a one pound block of Vermont cheddar?

  6. Of the stories and worlds you've written about, is there one in particular you'd like to visit? Is there one where you'd like to live?

  7. Would you like to write one of your Norse Pantheon stories for publication in a pagan magazine?

  8. I have another question: why is there a little handicapped symbol beside the word verification box on everyone's blog comment page?

  9. Which of these questions took the longest to answer?

  10. Happy Birthday John! In answer to Linda's question, (if I may intrude), tune in to The Other Side of Deanna on Sunday, the 5th, for the answer to "do you write in your bathroom?", and much more in the interview with John!

    Now, I need to think of a thought-provoking question....hmmmm, okay, here it is: What is the color of barnacles?

  11. Do you make fun of us behind our backs?

  12. Who would win in a fight, Vineguard or Lo?
