
Monday, January 24, 2011

Bathroom Monologue: A Priest, a Rabbi, a Minister, a Joker

A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar.

The priest goes up to the man behind the counter and asks, “Do I smell smoldering flesh?”

The man behind the counter points to the NO SMOKING sign.

The rabbi goes up to the man behind the counter and asks, “Do I hear nightmarish wailing from back there?”

The man behind the counter shrugs and turns up the volume on the television.

Finally the minister goes up to the man behind the counter and asks, “Pardon me, but do I see jumper cables in your hands and the real bar tender’s legs flailing behind there?”

The man behind the counter brushes the clips together. They spark. He shouts, “Guilty as charged!”

You probably had to be there.


  1. hahahahahha! "Guilty as charged!" with such maniacal enthusiasm!

  2. Oh, John. You know I love you, but I must give you a smirk and an eyeroll for that one. You're just too punny, my friend. winky

  3. I love reading your blog, I never know what kind of delightfully disturbing thing you might serve up. This was great.

  4. Hehehehehe! Also, groan... :-D


  5. Actually, I hadn't heard that one before.

  6. "Guilty as charged..." Oh man. You are a master of your craft.

  7. For some reason I totally imagined Batman's The Joker pulling this stunt, especially the last line. :) I love a good pun!

  8. This is a bizarre combination that works. I love a macabre sense of humour.

  9. I don't know if I should laugh or groan. haha

  10. Oh, I've gotta hear you do this in an audio!

  11. I'm surprised out was legs and not braaaaiiiins. Nice one!
