"Dad, I’m a fairy princess and I’m off to slay the dragon!"
"That sounds exciting. How do you beat a dragon?"
"I don’t know. I think you need a wand. Can you make me
a wand?"
"The library might have some books on it. Want to come read them
with me?"
- - -
"Dad, I’m gay."
"Look, I know you’re upset about it."
"I'm not. How did you learn you were gay?"
"We were playing a game at a party. I know you’re
"I’m really not, unless, wait, tell me more about this
- - -
"Dad, this is my boyfriend. His name is Vasily."
"So you're not gay anymore?"
"It’s called “bisexuality” Dad. God. Way to make a
first impression."
"Pleased to meet you, Vasily. How did you meet my girl?"
- - -
"Dad, I’m not a girl."
"You’re not?"
"I never was, and I've known it since we started using
lockers in Gym class. It’s why Mom and I don’t get along."
"Your mother thinks the world of you."
"You don’t notice anything, do you? You’re just in a
little cis-cultured bubble."
"So you’re not a girl. What would you like to be called?"
"I don’t need your labels."
- - -
"Dad, I’m pregnant."
"I know. I’m not married, and I don’t want to be
married. This is my choice."
"Dad? Are you mad?"
"No, I just forgot how to feel this way for a few
years. It’s coming back to me."
"You’re so weird."
- - -
"Dad, I have cancer."
"…Okay. Okay, how do we beat it?"
"I don’t know."
"The library might have some books on it. Want to come read them
with me?"
- - -
"Dad, I miss you."