Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fears of a Pluto Fan, OR, “oh, may we pray, the author was not defacting as he IM'd” –Randall Nichols in an IM

“Science can't make Pluto not a planet. They've had Pluto as a planet for centuries. You can't do scientific backsies. That's nuts. What if other things they've been telling us forever turn out to be untrue? What if that polio vaccine isn't a permanent fix? What if not all cholesterol is bad for us? What if the universe is expanding? What if... what if none of the stuff they currently tell me to believe is real? Not only does this destroy my worldview, but all those labs the government subsidized were just wasting my tax money! I could have bought porn with that money!"


  1. Pluto was not a planet for centuries. It was a planet for less than 100 years.

  2. The speaker is apparently ignorant about "good cholesterol" and that various polio vaccines do wear off. He is also apparently unaware that the universe is expanding.

  3. is a backsie like a mulligan in golf?

    don't pay any attention to those dweeps.

    btw if you can't find free porn on the web, you're not trying hard enough!


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