“To what? And, from what? I don’t know what my fate is. I’ll
only know once it happens, at which point it’ll be history, not fate. How do
you know what you’re changing from?
“Tell you what: I’m changing your fate.
“Just then, it changed. Did you feel it? Of course you can’t,
because fate’s what happens, so it feels like everything else. What did I swap
it to? You don’t know, because it’s the future. Unless you can see the future, you
don’t know it’s changing.
“Maybe you were fated to get hit by a car tomorrow. Maybe now
you’re fated to win the lottery instead. You can’t just say, ‘Oh my life is
terrible, I’m going to sign an arcane pact to change my fate now.’ You want
your present to change. You want your future to be better than you think it
will be.
“Well, guess what? Everybody’s frickin' working for an easier tomorrow. That’s not changing fate. That’s getting a job. Shut up and do something.”
“Well, guess what? Everybody’s frickin' working for an easier tomorrow. That’s not changing fate. That’s getting a job. Shut up and do something.”