Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bathroom Monologue: Easter Basket Vs. Exercise

"No, Jacob. I know you want your Reese’s, but they’ll spoil your appetite. And I know you want your Reese’s more than dinner. Honestly, they taste better than what Mommy’s making – but that’s because they’re evil. What you need are raw vegetables, dark green lettuce and fresh radishes. Now, I know they taste like dirt. They came from dirt. But they’ll give you more energy and build muscle mass so you can run two miles and do half an hour per day on the elliptical like me. Don’t you want to be big and strong and perpetually sore from exercise, just like Daddy? Many nights you’ll be left too tired to do more than watch Idol, but imagine how good you’ll look, and it will add years to your life. Seven, ten, maybe thirteen years. Thirteen more years of eating meals you hate, exercising until you ache all the time, and mild condescension towards those who sag more than you do. That’s much better for you than eating Easter candy before dinner. Now give Daddy those Reese’s."


  1. Deep truths here. Now hand over the chocolate.

  2. Ha ha! A dad's gotta be looking out for their kids (chocolate).

  3. Hahahahahaha Excellent!! And so true :)

  4. But I love leafy greens and radishes! *pout*

    Cute, though I suspect Daddy has ulterior motives... :)

  5. Like stealing candy from a baby (although whomever came up with that saying I'm sure has never actually tried it) :P

    Parents have to get kids eats their veggies somehow (and satisfy their own cravings) ;)

  6. Thirteen more years of eating meals you hate, exercising until you ache all the time, and mild condescension towards those who sag more than you do.

    Truer words were never spoken and/or written. But I prefer Reese's Pieces,thank you.

  7. Being sore from exercises pays off. That's all I have to say.

    Now hand over the chocolate, I've had my share of vegetables already. :P

  8. Okay, we need to combine the two: basket lifts! One, two, three… hey, this is getting easier already! Four, five, six… GET YOUR HANDS OUTTA THAT!


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